
Tl modular structure of combination gear

1, the installation method cycloid reducer, must be installed on the output shaft pulleys, couplings, sprockets and other couplings, and the installation of these couplings do not allow direct thump, because cycloid reducer output shaft structure can not withstand the pounding axial force, so when the available installed screw screw screw shaft pressed into the coupling member, HB standard industrial gearboxes.

2, the choice of GB1568-79 with the gear output shaft and the input shaft of the shaft diameter.

3, cycloidal reducer pad configuration should avoid deformation of the body, foundation bolts should be arranged symmetrically on both sides, their mutual distance can be enough to make the free flow of slurry during irrigation. Concentricity calibration mounted drive shaft coupling should not exceed the allowed range, the deceleration Precautions machine selection.

