
With the rapid development of science and technology and the economy, the rapid development of machinery industry, in this environment, combined worm reducer came into being, then, how should we correctly use DC gear motor? Next Xiaobian for your details about it!
1. When using, the center of the DC motor should be the center of the center, so as to avoid the center axis of the error and shorten its life.
2. Do not use the hammer to hit the motor output shaft on the moving parts, so as to avoid the transmission parts caused by internal parts damage.
3. The use of steel fixed coupling, so as not to cause the body of the output shaft fracture.
4. The motor should be stable in the horizontal plane, side by side clean oil tank, so you can ensure the stability of the base.
5. During the operation of the motor vibration and noise, the gear should be added some lubricant, and the installation of protective devices.
In addition, in order to ensure that the large industrial gearbox can work efficiently, the machine should carefully check the motor before the fasteners, parts are flexible rotation, and to ensure that the motor in a smooth, no impact, vibration, no leakage of oil work.

