
Inspection and maintenance of the gear unit

PC gear reducer is turned by enclosed within a rigid shell gear, worm drive and gear - worm drive consisting of separate components, the prime mover and commonly used between the working machine. Reducer between the prime mover and the implementing agencies working machine live match play the role of speed and torque transfer is widely used in the current machinery industry. Now more people are concerned about the life of the gearhead slowly, and want reducer longer life, we often need to gear inspection and maintenance.
        Next we take a look at inspection and maintenance of the gear unit.
Check the oil level
Reducer when working properly, should always pay attention to the oil level the gear unit, in order to avoid the oil level is too low, resulting in damage to the machine. Check the oil level, be sure to cut off power to prevent electric shock, and other gear after cooling, remove the oil level plug, check the oil level.
Checking the oil
Check the quality of the oil, be sure to cut off power and cooling and other gear after playing open oil drain plug, take samples, check the oil viscosity index. If the oil significantly turbid, it is recommended to be replaced as soon as possible.
Inspection and replacement of lubricants
When completely cooled lubricating oil, the viscosity increases, resulting in difficulty put the oil is generally recommended gear oil change should be at operating temperature, the oil drain plug Place a drip pan, open the oil level plug, breather and put oil drain plug, the oil discharge all the same brand to inject new lubricant oil installation location must be the same as in the oil level check the oil drain plug at the position after the injection finished, tighten the oil drain plug and the breather .

