
Gear reducer once the oil spill, not only the formation of capital spoil, and pollution of the environment, severe gear will cause less gear, oil, so that gear meshing
Surface wear aggravated, and then attack biting or stripping, resulting in equipment incidents.
The following general and we talk about gear reducer leakage is caused by what factors. The same time as the above-
1, Hypoid speed gearbox surface pressure difference
Gear reducer during the operation, movement, conflict heating and by the impact of ambient temperature, so that the gear reducer temperature to add, if there is no ventilation holes or
Ventilation holes blocked, then the machine gradually add the pressure, the higher the temperature inside the machine, the greater the pressure difference with the outside world, lubricating oil in the pressure effect, from the gap at the leak
2, combined worm reducer structure design unreasonable
(1) hole cover plate is too thin, tighten the bolt after the deformation, so that the contact surface is uneven, from the touch gap oil. The same time as the above-
(2) in the production of gear reducer process, the casting is not annealing or aging treatment, without eliminating the internal stress, must occur deformation, the formation of gaps, resulting in
Leaked. The same time as the above-
(3) there is no oil tank on the tank, the accumulation of lubricating oil in the shaft seal, cover, contact surface, etc., in the pressure effect, from the gap to the outside leakage. The same time as the above-
(4) shaft seal structure design is unreasonable. Early reducer more use of oil ditch, felt ring seal structure, assembled when the blankets by the compression deformation, and the
Contact surface gap sealed up. If the journal and seal touch is not very desirable, because the blanks of the compensation function is very poor, sealed in a short time that failure
The Although the oil groove on the oil return hole, but easy to block, oil effect is difficult to show.
3, gear reducer fuel too much
 Gear reducer in the course of operation, the oil pool was stirred very ferocious, lubricants in the machine everywhere splash, if the fuel is too much, so that a lot of oil product
Gathered in the shaft seal, contact surface, etc., resulting in leakage.
4, gear reducer repair technology is wrong
In the equipment maintenance, because the contact surface dirt removal is not complete, or sealant selection is wrong, the direction of the seal installed, not timely replacement of seals, etc.

