
variable ratio gearbox for the gear reducer, according to the current situation, China's gear reducer from the beginning of the development of China to the present, the original effect is not very obvious, there is no change in the form of production, compared with this form, Many foreign gear reducer companies will rely on skills, management, capital and other aspects of the advantages of the unique shopping malls share, and gradually enter the Chinese reducer mall. Facing foreign goods in the Chinese reducer market strong to seize, China's reducer industry is facing a severe shopping malls crisis, and this crisis is also a major impact on the domestic reducer company, to promote its time to form a contend Competition form, and gradually in the skills, processing has increased investment, and strive to compete in foreign goods, to defend the domestic reducer shopping malls.
The world mall needs for heavy machinery and spare parts will also be added. With the gradual recovery of economic recovery in Europe and the United States, the establishment of the real economy in the national economy from the location, as well as the construction of the country's basic construction needs, heavy machinery in the world of shopping malls will have more room for development.
The reducer is a power transmission mechanism that uses its intention to drop the speed and add torque. Its variety is complex, different types, not the same species have different uses. Heavy-duty mechanical reducer planning of the goods include a variety of large industrial gearbox, planetary gear reducer, worm gear reducer and cycloid reducer, also contains a variety of special drive.
According to the industry summary, reducer with relatively large amount of occupation are: power machinery, metallurgical machinery, environmental protection machinery, electrical appliances, road machinery, chemical machinery, food machinery, light industry machinery, mining machinery, transport machinery, construction machinery, Building materials machinery, cement machinery, rubber machinery, water machinery, oil machinery

